This lesson plan from the Philadelphia Museum of Art has students work collaboratively to generate descriptive writing about works of art. It is intended for upper elementary and middle grades but can be adapted for lower grades.
sample descriptive essay elementary
An essay is a focused piece of writing designed to inform or persuade. There are many different types of essay, but they are often defined in four categories: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive essays.
Argumentative and expository essays are focused on conveying information and making clear points, while narrative and descriptive essays are about exercising creativity and writing in an interesting way. At university level, argumentative essays are the most common type.
A descriptive essay provides a detailed sensory description of something. Like narrative essays, they allow you to be more creative than most academic writing, but they are more tightly focused than narrative essays. You might describe a specific place or object, rather than telling a whole story.
A descriptive essay can be quite loosely structured, though it should usually begin by introducing the object of your description and end by drawing an overall picture of it. The important thing is to use careful word choices and figurative language to create an original description of your object.
A narrative essay tells a story. In most cases, this is a story about a personal experience you had. This type of essay, along with the descriptive essay, allows you to get personal and creative, unlike most academic writing.
Looking for a resource to use to teach this unit? My forms of writing digital activities walk students through descriptive writing with a sample text, guided practice, editable word lists, checklists, rubrics, and more.
When writing this type of paper, you should know the difference between a description and a descriptive essay. A description can be just a simple paragraph, or several ones with no specific structure, meanwhile, a descriptive essay has five or more paragraphs and a clear and complete structure. A descriptive essay is usually written coherently, has a good thesis statement at the end of the introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A description however, does not necessarily have a structure. Its main purpose is to just describe an object, or something else, without having any extra academic layers.
When thinking about descriptive essay writing, remember that a structured paper outline is your golden ticket. Not only does it help you organize thoughts, but it will also help your essays flow better.
According to the descriptive essay format, your conclusion should be a summary of all of the main points in the body text. It is a good idea to write a final sentence that relates to the main point of your paper. Once this is done, the paper is now complete. We advise that you proofread your descriptive essay to correct any grammatical errors.
This is a commonly assigned and most opted-for form of an essay. Why not have a look at our written descriptive essay examples. In this section, you can find some of the top examples and quotes followed by some critique.
In another blog post, we offer a list of descriptive essay topics to help students see that writing can be enjoyable when they are writing about something that is relatable. Here is a sample of topics from that list of ideas:
2 Brainstorming for a descriptive essay about a placeThis is an English language writing exercise for students to brainstorm ideas for a descriptive essay.Brainstorming descriptive writing ideas (PDF)
While these elementary writing prompts work for all ages, it's also good to inspire young students with prompts for their own grade. For instance, 1st grade writing prompts should be all about fun, giving reluctant writers the motivation to learn. As children get older, the writing world opens up. They need a variety of 4th grade writing prompts for everything from poetry to descriptive writing. No matter what age kids are, inspiring them to write is important work.
This article by Custom Writing experts provides the tools you need to attack any essay. It describes the five current major types of essays and five additional types! The article includes some thesis statement examples and numerous useful links to resources with sample essay papers. Keep reading and good luck with your assignment!
There is no more clearly-named essay than the descriptive one. Here, the goal is to describe something: a person, an object, a place, etc. The oil industry theme used to demonstrate an expository thesis statement would not be typical for a descriptive essay. Instead, descriptive writing would far more likely focus on an object associated with the oil industry, such as an oil drum, an oil tanker, or even the liquid oil itself.
A narrative essay is aimed to tell the reader a complete story of personal experiences. A descriptive essay dwells upon a separate object, place, concept, or phenomenon. It does not have a climax or any development of action.
This homeschool writing program is for elementary students and is a stepping stone that ignites their ability to learn to write well and to communicate using descriptive words, varied sentences, and sound writing structure.
The following is a sample essay you can practice quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Examples of each task are provided at the end of the essay for further reference.Here is the citation for Sipher's essay:
Descriptive essays essentially paint a picture of something. When you write a descriptive essay, expect to be describing your main topic, and plan to use a lot of adjectives. Your topic of description may be a person, place or even an experience or emotion. But, unlike a narrative essay, you will most likely be required to write in third person.
A logical approach for writing a descriptive essay is to first define what you will describe. Write an introduction that explains what will be described and why. Write the body using rich description, and conclude by explaining the significance of the description (why it is important). Essay writing services are a great resource for help if you are stumped.
Descriptive essays are such type of written assignments which deal with impressions, memories, imaginable situations, feelings, psychological associations, etc. Students enjoy writing descriptive essays because they allow for almost unrestricted freedom of choosing means of expression. Besides, descriptive essays do not require too much theorizing or reading comprehensively on the given topic.
If you belong to the Millennium generation, this descriptive essay topic will not be suitable for you; in any other case, you can write about your first feelings and experiences while dealing with the internet.
These descriptive essay topic ideas are related to your observation skills. Here you can write not only about things you have experienced but also about objects and things which you have seen only on TV. For example, an essay on the first topic can tell your personal story but it can also be based on your imagination.
21. A space journeyGo to an imaginable journey through space - through solar systems and galaxies. Where would you go? This descriptive essay topic is a little bit philosophical.
These topics for a descriptive essay require description of your daily routine - can you show the most interesting part of it? Try to reach general conclusions, not merely describing events and places.
64. How my usual day looks likePerhaps the simplest topic for a descriptive essay out of all. What do you do? What do you like to do in your daily routine? What about your dreams?
69. How I spend my time with my girl/boyfriendSpending time with your only one can be also an interesting topic for a descriptive essay. May be you can share some ideas about it as well?
Before starting your descriptive essay, make sure you understand your topic and the task assigned by your instructor. Also, ensure you know how to write a descriptive essay outline which might also be requested by your professor. Try to imagine the situation described - even if it has never happened to you (for example, if the topic concerns your dreams). Play your part in the story - either as an active actor or as a neutral, passive observer. Never forget that the reader should be attracted by your descriptive essay - think how to do it. A mere description is never enough.
Before starting your descriptive essay, try to imagine the situation described; play your part in the story - either as an active actor or as a neutral, passive observer. Never forget that the reader should be attracted by your essay.Tweet This
The descriptive essay provides details about how something looks, feels, tastes, smells, makes one feel, or sounds. It can also describe what something is, or how something happened. These essays generally use a lot of sensory details. The essay could be a list-like description that provides point by point details. Or, it could function as a story, keeping the reader interested in the plot and theme of the event described.
In holistic scoring, essays are not given low scores just because they contain many mechanical errors, nor are they given high scores just because they are well organized. The reader considers the overall impression created by the student's writing sample and assigns a score consistent with that overall impression.
score in Southeast's holistic scoring scale is described below. Each description begins with the numerical score and a short characterization of that score. Then, each of the holistic scoring criteria is listed with a description of the level of achievement on that criterion for that score. An asterisk indicates a criterion applicable only to Part II of the writing proficiency exam. For scores 3, 4, and 5, the description concludes with a link to a sample essay with commentary.
There are different types of essays, from descriptive essays and expository essays to compare/contrast essays and persuasive essays. You can choose the type of essay you want to write depending on the subject and the purpose of the essay. Regardless of the type of essay, description as a writing technique can be used in all types of essays including narrative writing in order to create a powerful impression. A narrative descriptive essay, for example, would combine the writing elements of a narrative and descriptive writing. 2ff7e9595c