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Mark Manson Models pdf: The Book That Changed the Dating Game Forever


However, that all changed in 2011 after he self-published through Amazon a dating advice book titled Models. Even though with no marketing, no publicity, and no promotion, word of mouth made the book a tremendous hit and by early 2012, Manson was earning enough to make a living as an author.

This led me in a winding, twisted path. It began with entries into and exits out of the so-called Pick Up Artist community. I researched social psychology, theories behind attraction, historiographies on human sexuality, went on strip club binges, read books on NLP and cognitive therapy, attended various self-help seminars and taught a few myself, shared hotel rooms with runway models, experimented with touch-healing and had a few alternative therapy mishaps, engaged in gender arguments with feminists, and read every crappy dating book on the market.

Mark Manson Modelspdf

Mark Manson je rođen 1984. godine u Austinu (Texas, SAD). Kasnije se preselio u Boston, Massachusetts, gdje je završio ekonomiju (smjer: financije). Manson je autor, bloger i poduzetnik. Napisao je tri knjige o samopomoći, a na blogu ( obrađuje teme koje se tiču kulture, ljubavnih veza i odnosa, životnih izbora te psihologije. Kao što i sam ističe, neki ga smatraju idiotom, dok drugi tvrde kako im je svojim idejama spasio život. 2ff7e9595c


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