Essential Elements for Strings and Essential Elements Interactive are fully compatible with Essential Elements 2000 for Strings.Essential Elements for Strings offers beginning students sound pedagogy and engaging music, all carefully paced to successfully start young players on their musical journey. EE features both familiar songs and specially designed exercises, created and arranged for the classroom in a unison-learning environment, as well as instrument-specific exercises to focus each student on the unique characteristics of their own instrument. EE provides both teachers and students with a wealth of materials to develop total musicianship, even at the beginning stages.Books 1 and 2 also include access to Essential Elements Interactive (EEi), the ultimate online music education resource - anywhere, anytime, and on any device. Go to to learn more!
Sale price limited to current stock.Cello Lev 3Regular Price:$12.99On Sale For:$9.99 Quantity Add to CartAdd to Wishlist(function ($) $(function () $('#3894_95235_addToCart:submit').click(function (e) $('#quantity-validation-message').remove();if ($('#quantity-95235').val() == '0') var message = "" +"Please enter a valid quantity" +"";$('#quantity-95235').after(message);$('#quantity-95235').attr("aria-describedby", "quantity-validation-message");$('#quantity-95235').focus();e.preventDefault(););$('#quantity-95235').change(function () $('#quantity-validation-message').remove();););)(adnsf$);Customer Reviews (0.00)stars out of 5 # of Ratings: 0 (Only registered customers can rate)function RateComment(ProductID, MyCustomerID, MyVote, RatersCustomerID) RateCommentFrm.location = '/ratecomment.aspx?Productid=' + ProductID + '&VotingCustomerID=' + MyCustomerID + '&Vote=' + MyVote + '&RatingCustomerID=' + RatersCustomerIDfunction RateIt(ProductID)'/rating?Productid=' + ProductID + '&refresh=no&returnurl=%2fp-3894-essential-technique-for-strings-book-3-with-cd-2000-edition-cello.aspx','ASPDNSF_ML15744','height=550,width=400,top=10,left=20,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no')/* script.datalayer.xml.config */var vortx = vortx ;vortx.dataLayer = vortx.dataLayer ;vortx.dataLayer.productImpressions = vortx.dataLayer.productImpressions [];vortx.dataLayer.productDetails = vortx.dataLayer.productDetails [];vortx.dataLayer.cartProducts = vortx.dataLayer.cartProducts [];vortx.dataLayer.cartDetails = vortx.dataLayer.cartDetails [];vortx.dataLayer.orderDetails = vortx.dataLayer.orderDetails [];vortx.dataLayer.orderedProducts = vortx.dataLayer.orderedProducts [];vortx.googleEnhancedEcommerce = vortx.googleEnhancedEcommerce ;$(document).ready(function () ); ALL COUNTY MUSIC
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Essential Elements 2000 Cello Book 1 Pdf
(Essential Elements for Strings and Essential Elements Interactive are fully compatible with Essential Elements 2000 for Strings)Essential Elements for Strings offers beginning students sound pedagogy and engaging music, all carefully paced to successfully start young players on their musical journey. EE features both familiar songs and specially designed exercises, created and arranged for the classroom in a unison-learning environment, as well as instrument-specific exercises to focus each student on the unique characteristics of their own instrument. EE provides both teachers and students with a wealth of materials to develop total musicianship, even at the beginning stages. Books 1 and 2 also include access to Essential Elements Interactive (EEi), the ultimate online music education resource - anywhere, anytime, and on any device. Go to to learn more!Method features: 2ff7e9595c